Buy Cannabis Tinctures from Jointly - THC & CBD TincturesPerson using a dropper to apply CBD oil tincture with a cannabis leaf background

Shopping for Cannabis Tinctures with Jointly - THC & CBD Tinctures

Cannabis tinctures are a discreet and convenient way to consume THC and CBD. Tinctures are typically taken orally, making them a popular alternative to smoking or vaping. When taken under the tongue, the cannabinoids are absorbed into the bloodstream through the sublingual gland, providing a quick onset of effects. When added to food or beverages, the cannabinoids are absorbed through the digestive system and can take longer to take effect. Tinctures are easy to dose, allowing users to find their perfect dose and adjust it as needed. 

You can find a variety of high-quality cannabis tinctures on Jointly’s online cannabis marketplace. Tinctures offer precise dosing and fast-acting effects, making them an ideal choice for those seeking immediate relief from pain or anxiety. Unlike smoking, tinctures provide a smoke-free experience and can be easily added to food or drinks. Whether you're looking for a CBD or THC tincture, Jointly offers a range of options to suit your needs and preferences.


Jointly's advanced algorithm matches you with the best products for your goals, using real user experiences and ratings. And our unbiased system ensures that no brand can influence their ratings. With Jointly, you can trust that you're getting the best products for your goals.

What are cannabis tinctures?

Cannabis tinctures are liquid extracts made from cannabis plants that are typically taken orally. They are made by soaking cannabis flowers, leaves, or trim in high-proof alcohol or glycerin to extract the cannabinoids and other beneficial compounds. The resulting liquid can be consumed directly or added to food or drinks.

What are the benefits of cannabis tinctures?

Cannabis tinctures offer several benefits over other methods of cannabis consumption. For one, they are discreet and odorless, making them a popular choice for those who want to consume cannabis without attracting attention. They are also easy to dose, allowing users to find their perfect dose and adjust it as needed. Finally, tinctures are easy to consume, making them a popular alternative to smoking or vaping.

How do I use cannabis tinctures?

Cannabis tinctures are typically taken by placing a few drops under the tongue or mixing them into food or drinks. To use a tincture, simply shake the bottle well and use the dropper to measure out the desired amount. Start with a small dose and wait at least 30 minutes to see how you feel before taking more.

Do THC tinctures get you high?

Yes, THC tinctures can get you high. The potency and duration of the high depend on several factors, such as the dose, your tolerance, and your metabolism. It's essential to start with a low dose and wait for the effects to kick in before consuming more. It's also crucial to use THC tinctures responsibly and never operate heavy machinery or drive after consuming THC.

How long do THC tinctures last?

The effects of THC tinctures can last anywhere from 2 to 6 hours, depending on several factors, such as your metabolism, the dose, and the potency of the tincture. It's crucial to consume THC tinctures responsibly and start with a low dose to avoid ingesting too high of a dose.

Do CBD tinctures get you high?

No, CBD tinctures don't get you high. CBD is a non-intoxicating compound found in cannabis plants that has various therapeutic benefits, such as mild pain relief. CBD tinctures offer a discreet and convenient way to consume CBD.

Can I buy cannabis tinctures with Jointly?

Yes, you can buy legal cannabis tinctures with Jointly. At Jointly, we only sell products that are legal, lab-tested, and from reliable producers. Plus, we offer discreet shipping right to your door, so you can enjoy your cannabis tinctures without any hassle.

Whether you're looking for a CBG tincture or a CBD tincture, Jointly has got you covered. With our user rating system that powers our unique product matching process, you can easily find the right products to help you achieve your goals. Visit Jointly’s online cannabis marketplace today and start exploring our wide selection of THC and CBD tinctures!